Canada Diagnostics Centres

Written testimonial, Environmental benefit, Workflow Efficiencies, HLD Confidence, Radiology, Canada

Canada Diagnostics Centres (CDC) is Alberta’s premiere radiology service provider, with medical imaging centres located throughout four communities in Alberta, providing diagnostic imaging services at 17 community-based clinics.

About the Facility:

Canada Diagnostics Centres (CDC) is Alberta’s premiere radiology service provider, with medical imaging centres located throughout four communities in Alberta, providing diagnostic imaging services at 17 community-based clinics. The clinics handle a variety of ultrasound procedures, including general, vascular, breast, musculoskeletal, guided biopsies and pelvic exams.

Sarah Aranguiz, is the Ultrasound Manager, overseeing the 11 clinics located in Calgary – a total of 55 ultrasound rooms.

“Some of our sites perform 25+ pelvic exams a day! Our largest clinic has eight ultrasound rooms and will soon be expanding to 10.”
Sarah Aranguiz
CRGS, RDMS, BSC, CAM | Ultrasound Manager, Calgary

At each site, a patient coordinator is responsible for ushering patients to the correct room for the exam they have scheduled. The patient coordinator is also responsible for reprocessing all probes.

Soaking to trophon devices – time savings, environmental impact

“Prior to using trophon devices, we were reprocessing all ultrasound probes with Cidex. The process of soaking probes in chemicals can be painfully slow, and requires more equipment, PPE and manual recording, plus having to discard the chemicals afterwards. Our staff was spending so much of their time in the reprocessing room!”

Sarah was a key player when introducing trophon technology to these facilities. “I reached out to Nanosonics, then presented my proposal to the senior leadership team. We did a cost analysis, and in the report, we included the salary for our staff, and how much time they were spending on reprocessing probes with soaking chemicals vs. trophon devices. We realized that trophon technology is a better cost savings, absolutely better for the environment, and offers better protection for our patients. It was a very clear, very easy decision for us.”

Streamlined accreditation

CDC now leases trophon devices for each one of their facilities. “The leasing program was the kicker for us! It works great. Every time a unit is due for preventative maintenance or service, a replacement trophon device shows up. We are a busy healthcare system, so we can’t afford to be without a trophon device!”

Since acquiring the trophon2 devices, CDC has completed accreditation in 17 clinics with zero citations in their probe reprocessing procedures. “We are exceptionally proud of the protocols and policies, and have been told by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Accreditor that our processes are of the highest standard she has ever seen. She commented she will be changing medical providers herself, and ensuring all her procedures are performed in our clinics! The thoroughness and ease in creating these policies is due in part to the training provided by Nanosonics, in the Nanosonics Academy, and from the online resources. We continue to use Nanosonics Academy, as all staff complete the trophon training on an annual basis, as well as further in-person audits.”

“I would be hard-pressed to select just one primary benefit of utilizing trophon devices. There’s environmental benefit, improved clinic workflow, time savings, and automation. The reprocessing is done quickly, and always done well! It drastically reduces risk of human error. Thank you Nanosonics for providing a service which makes a significant difference in the delivery of healthcare to our patients on a daily basis.”